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Jean Monnet Scholarship Program 2023-2024 Academic Year Applications Have Started!

Jean Monnet Scholarship Program 2023-2024 Academic Year Applications Have Started!
Applications for the 2023-2024 academic year of the Jean Monnet Scholarship Program started on 12 September 2022. Applications will close on 15 November 2022.

The Jean Monnet Scholarship Program aims to contribute to the establishment of the administrative capacity needed in this field by increasing the number of specialists in the fields related to the EU acquis, within the framework of Turkey's full membership target to the European Union.

In the 2023-2024 academic year, approximately 160 scholarships are planned to be awarded. Jean Monnet Scholarship Program open to anyone who wants to specialize in the EU acquis;

public employees (including those working in professional organizations with public legal personality, chambers, local governments, development agencies, etc.)
private sector employees (including those working in non-governmental organizations, resident foreign missions, etc.)
academic or administrative staff of universities
undergraduate or graduate (master's or doctoral) students of universities
can apply.