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Librarianship Idea Marathon (IDEATHON)

Librarianship Idea Marathon (IDEATHON)

Under the coordination of the General Directorate of Libraries and Publications of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Librarianship Ideathon will be held in Ankara on 11-12 December 2023. The aim of the Librarianship Ideathon is to reveal innovative, technology-based, innovative, inclusive and sustainable librarianship ideas designed in accordance with the information needs of the 21st century.  The idea marathon will bring together the field of librarianship and start-up teams to develop new services, products and solutions, while bringing the ideas that will be formed at the end of the process together with angel investors.

Teams that meet the application criteria specified in the announcement text can apply to the competition by filling out the form at https://forms.gle/foutajcAWGaDmTbHA until 24 November 2023. The first 10 teams with the highest score in the preliminary evaluation will be invited to the programme to be held in Ankara on 11-12 December 2023. Transport and accommodation will be provided by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Please click here for the announcement text of the Librarianship Idea Marathon.