In May 2023, the evaluation processes were completed within the scope of the call for the ‘Society 5.0: Digital Transformation and Social Sciences’ support programme, which was announced by YÖK with the mission of ‘University Specialising in Digital Social Sciences’.
Within the framework of 75 applications received between 15.01.2024-01.04.2024, the distribution of the 10 priority areas specified in the programme guide is as follows:
The preliminary evaluation process within the scope of the support programme was completed on 17.04.2024. Among the applications received, projects that do not meet the conditions specified in the application guide were identified during the pre-evaluation process carried out by the IHUVATION Project Support Office experts and the relevant applicants were informed. As a result of the pre-evaluation processes, 38 projects were forwarded to the referee evaluations for content evaluations and the content evaluation processes were completed as of 27.05.2024.
As a result of the evaluations carried out within the framework of 4 basic criteria, namely the purpose and objective of the project (20 points), original value (30 points), method (20 points) and widespread impact (30 points), 1 project was entitled to be supported. Information on the project that was entitled to be supported is given below:
Applicant: H** B** K***
Project Name: Taarruf: Using Digital Tools to Combat Islamophobia
Priority Area: Digitalisation and Religion
Budget (TL): 250.000 TL
We congratulate the supported project owner and wish them continued success.
Sincerely regards,
Note: Information regarding the orientation programme and contracts for the project entitled to be supported will be provided se
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