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Symposium on Harmonization of Turkish Company Law with EU Company Law Call for Papers

Symposium on Harmonization of Turkish Company Law with EU Company Law Call for Papers

A symposium will be held on February 23, 2024 within the scope of the TUBITAK 3005 project titled "Evaluation of the Conclusions Regarding Chapter 6 (Company Law) in the Progress Reports of the EU Acquis Harmonization Process", which is carried out by Ibn Haldun University Faculty of Law, Department of Commercial Law, with the participation of researchers from Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, Kocaeli University and Anadolu University. The aim of the symposium is to discuss the evaluations in the EU acquis progress reports on Chapter 6 regarding company law, to examine the Turkish and EU law comparatively in this context, to identify the problems and to determine the solution proposals.

We would be honored to receive the contributions of distinguished scholars who are working on these issues and who would like to present papers at the symposium. Important dates and application processes related to the symposium are shown below:

Deadline for abstract submission October 15, 2023

Announcement of accepted papers November 1, 2023

Full text submission deadline January 15, 2024

Symposium date February 23, 2024

The full text of the papers will be published later as a proceedings book.

Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Zühtü Aytaç

Prof. Dr. Reza Ayhan

Prof. Dr. Hasan Pulaşlı

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Bahtiyar

Prof. Dr. Ismail Kayar

Prof. Dr. Hayri Bozgeyik

Prof. Dr. Hayrettin Çağlar

Prof. Dr. Safak Narbay

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Özdamar

Prof. Dr. Zekeriya Arı

Prof. Dr. Ömer Korkut

Prof. Dr. Şükrü Yıldız

Prof. Dr. Fulurya Yusufoglu

Organizing Committee

Prof. Dr. Şükrü Yıldız

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülşah Bostancı Bozbayındır

Prof. Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Zehra Badak

Prof. Dr. Lecturer Prof. Dr. Dursun Saat

Research Assist. Gör. Betül Bozkır