Applications for the 2nd period of the 1001-Scientific and Technological Research Projects Support Programme, which is carried out by TÜBİTAK Research Support Programmes Directorate (ARDEB), for the year 2023 have started to be received via as of 18 August 2023.
The upper limit of project support for the ARDEB 1001 Programme has been increased by 32% from 1 million 250 thousand TL to 1 million 650 thousand TL. The new upper limit will be valid for project proposals to be submitted as of the second semester of 2023. In addition, considering the new upper limit for the projects in force, additional appropriation opportunities will be provided upon request.
The deadline for online applications for project proposals to be submitted in the 2nd period of 2023 has been set as 25 September 2023, and the deadline for the completion of the e-signature process of these projects has been set as 28 September 2023. It is important that the project application approval and e-signature process are completed within the specified deadlines.
Please click here for application forms and detailed information about the call.