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A Gift to Nature from the Intellectual Independence in the Digital World Project: 500 Olive Saplings

A Gift to Nature from the Intellectual Independence in the Digital World Project: 500 Olive Saplings
Sapling planting was carried out on 11 January 2024 within the scope of the "Intellectual Independence in the Digital World" project supported within the framework of Erasmus + KA-220 Programme and carried out under the coordination of Scientific Research Projects Specialist Eyüp KAYHAN.

Within the scope of the project, which included mobilisations in Turkey, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands, the calculation of carbon emissions arising from the project activities for the postgraduate influencer training curriculum, which was created as carbon neutral, was carried out and 500 olive saplings were planted in Kilis Region with the support of ÇEKUD.

With this work, the environmental sustainability goal of the project was achieved by making a difference not only in the digital world but also in nature.
