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Society 5.0 Social Sciences Support Programme Launch

Society 5.0 Social Sciences Support Programme Launch
IHUVATION Project Support Office launched the support programme "Society 5.0: Digital Transformation and Social Sciences" online on Friday, 2 February.

Within the scope of the programme, which started with the opening speech of Director Harun Sami ÇİFTÇİ, ÜSİ Assistant Specialist Gülcan GÜVEN YEŞİLGÜL made a presentation. Within the scope of the presentation, the introduction of the university was carried out within the framework of the mission of "University specialising in digital social sciences". In addition, the aims, objectives and priorities of the call were shared with the participants. The programme, in which other details regarding the financial and technical processes within the framework of the support programme were conveyed to the participants, ended with a question and answer session.

With the support programme, it is planned to support projects that are destined to provide significant gains in line with the ideal of society 5.0. 
