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Scientific Research Projects Unit

Scientific Research Projects Unit

Ibn Haldun University (IHU) Scientific Research Projects Unit carries out activities in line with strategic goals in accordance with the mission and vision of the university within the Project Support Office. In this context, the duties and responsibilities of the Scientific Research Projects Unit can be listed as follows:

- Carrying out technical and budget controls of the relevant projects within the specified period in accordance with the IHU BAP directive.

- Forwarding the revised projects to the researchers with the approval of the coordinator and the directorate.

- Forwarding the revised projects to the coordinator and directorate by subjecting them to final control.

- Ensuring researcher-university coordination in the administrative and financial processes of the supported projects and directing the researchers to the relevant units.

- Following up the projects carried out and informing the management regularly about the progress.

- To follow up the expenditures, support amounts and payments received for the assigned projects and share them with the management.

- Preparing visual or written presentations on the status of assigned projects and publishing them on the website and social media tools.

- Checking, filing and archiving relevant documents (lists, copies of documents, etc.).

- Working in accordance with the directives, procedures and other documents applicable in the field of duty.

- Within the framework of occupational health and safety, using the tools and equipment used in the task correctly and safely.