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TÜBİTAK-Korea National Research Foundation (NRF) Bilateral Cooperation Programme 2024 Call for Applications Opened


Within the scope of the call, TUBITAK can provide travel support as well as support for scholarship and representation-promotion expenses.

With the call opened within the scope of TÜBİTAK - National Research Foundation (NRF) Bilateral Cooperation Programme, travel support will be provided for project proposals submitted by researchers in Turkey and Korea. Within the scope of the call, TUBITAK can provide travel support as well as support for scholarship and representation-promotion expenses.

Researchers in Turkey who wish to propose a joint project must agree as "project partners" with the researchers in Korea with whom they will realise the project. Unilateral project applications are not accepted. Within the scope of the call, applications can be made in all thematic areas.

Please click  here for the call text.

You can access the Project Application System for applications to TÜBİTAK here .


Call Opening Date: 3 April 2024

Application Deadline: 27 June 2024, 23:59

E-signature Deadline: 4 July 2024, 23:59