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Use of Automation in Scientific Research Projects Applications

Use of Automation in Scientific Research Projects Applications

Our university has been selected as the "University Specialising in Digital Social Sciences" by the Higher Education Council within the scope of the "Universities Specialising in Priority Areas Project" initiated in order to support the departments and programmes in universities where there are departments and programmes that stand out with their expertise in a certain field of science; to be supported by the higher education ecosystem, to develop qualified human resources and to increase qualified scientific outputs at international level.

Following this title, studies on the digital transformation of all processes within the university are carried out effectively. At this point, the Project Support Office is working in cooperation with the IT Department to ensure the accessibility of Scientific Research Projects applications within the framework of the digitalisation process and to make them environmentally friendly.

In line with these studies, although the dates have not yet been finalised, the Scientific Research Project applications for the 2023-2024 Autumn Term will be received online through the automation system. In this way, academic studies will be evaluated more systematically, efficiently and quickly.

The application announcement for Scientific Research Projects will be announced on our website and social media accounts in the near future.